Datatype: rdf:PlainLiteral
Usage (967)
- Aneurysm GermanTerm "Aneurysma"
- Aneurysm Synonym "aneurism"
- Aorta AnatomicalSiteCode "DG"
- Aorta GermanTerm "Aorta"
- Aorta Synonym "Hauptschlagader"
- AorticArch GermanTerm "Aortenbogen"
- AorticArch LatinTerm "Arcus aortae"
- AorticBifurcation GermanTerm "Aortenbifurkation"
- AorticBifurcation Synonym "Bifurcation aortae"
- AorticValve AnatomicalSiteCode "DB"
- AorticValve GermanTerm "Aortenklappe"
- ArtificialHeart Abbreviation "TAHD"
- ArtificialHeart GermanTerm "Kunstherz"
- ArtificialHeart Synonym "Total artificial heart device"
- ArtificialInterponate GermanTerm "Künstliches Interponat"
- ArtificialValve GermanTerm "Künstliche Klappe"
- AscendingAorta GermanTerm "Aorta ascendens"
- Aspiration GermanTerm "Aspiration"
- AtrialSeptalDefect Abbreviation "ASD"
- AtrialSeptalDefect GermanTerm "Vorhofseptumdefekt"
- AtrialSeptalDefect Synonym "Atriumseptumdefekt"
- BalloonCatheter GermanTerm "Ballonkatheter"
- BiologicalInterponate GermanTerm "Biologisches Interponat"
- BiologicalValve GermanTerm "Biologische Klappe"
- Biventricular GermanTerm "beide Herzkammern betreffend"
- BodyOrificeAccecc GermanTerm "Zugang durch eine Körperöffnung"
- Bypass GermanTerm "Umgehungsanastomose"
- Bypass Synonym "Bypass"
- CardiacConductiveSystem AnatomicalSiteCode "DE"
- CardiacConductiveSystem GermanTerm "Reizleitungssystem des Herzens"
- CardiacMonitor GermanTerm "Kardialer Monitor"
- CardiacRhythm AnatomicalSiteCode "DE"
- CardiacRhythm GermanTerm "Herzrhythmus"
- CardiacRhythmMonitoring GermanTerm "Herzrhythmusüberwachung"
- CardiacSurgery GermanTerm "Herzchirurgie"
- Cardiology GermanTerm "Kardiologie"
- CardiovascularSystem GermanTerm "Kardiovaskuläres System"
- CardiovascularSystem Synonym "Herzkreislaufsystem"
- CardiovascularSystemSite GermanTerm "Kardiovaskuläres System Lokalisation"
- CardioverterDefibrillator GermanTerm "Cardioverter-Defibrillator"
- CardioverterDefibrillator Synonym "antitachykarder Schrittmacher"
- CardioverterDefibrillator Synonym "atuomatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator"
- CavaFilter GermanTerm "Vena-cava-Schirm"
- CavaFilter Synonym "Cava-Schirm"
- CavesHeart AnatomicalSiteCode "DA"
- CavesHeart GermanTerm "Caven des Herzen"
- CentralVenousLine Abbreviation "ZVK"
- CentralVenousLine GermanTerm "Zentralvenenkatheter"
- CentralVenousLine Synonym "central line"
- CentralVenousLine Synonym "central line placement"
- CentrifugalPump GermanTerm "Zentrifugalpumpe"
- Children GermanTerm "Kinder"
- Complex GermanTerm "komplex"
- CongenitalHeartDefect GermanTerm "Angeborener Herzfehler"
- CongenitalHeartDefect Synonym "Kongenitaler Herzfehler"
- CoronaryArtery GermanTerm "Koronararterie"
- CoronaryArtery LatinTerm "Arteria coronaria"
- CoronaryArtery Synonym "Herzkranzgefäß"
- CoronaryArtery Synonym "Koronargefäß"
- CoronaryArtery Synonym "Koronarie"
- Correction GermanTerm "Korrektur"
- DA010_MyocardiumScintigraphy GermanTerm "Myokardszintigraphie"
- DA010_MyocardiumScintigraphy ProcedureCode "DA010"
- DA020_RadionuclideVentriculography GermanTerm "Radionuklidventrikulographie"
- DA020_RadionuclideVentriculography ProcedureCode "DA020"
- DA030_InvasiveExaminationHeartFailure GermanTerm "Invasive Abklärung kardialer Vitien"
- DA030_InvasiveExaminationHeartFailure ProcedureCode "DA030"
- DA040_MyocardiumBiopsy GermanTerm "Myokardbiopsie"
- DA040_MyocardiumBiopsy ProcedureCode "DA040"
- DA070_ResectionVentricleAneurysm AccessCode "DA070"
- DA070_ResectionVentricleAneurysm GermanTerm "Resektion eines Herzventrikelaneurysmas"
- DA080_PercutaneousOcclusionASDVSD GermanTerm "Perkutaner Verschluss von Defekten des intrakardialen Septums (ASD, VSD)"
- DA080_PercutaneousOcclusionASDVSD ProcedureCode "DA080"
- DA090_ResectionHeartCancer GermanTerm "Resektion eines intracavitären Herztumors"
- DA090_ResectionHeartCancer ProcedureCode "DA090"
- DA100_CorrectionCongenitalHeartDefect GermanTerm "Korrektur angeborener Herzfehler ohne Herzlungenmaschine"
- DA100_CorrectionCongenitalHeartDefect ProcedureCode "DA100"
- DA110_CorrectionCongenitalHeartDefectHLM GermanTerm "Korrektur angeborener Herzfehler mit HLM (isolierter Ventrikelseptumdefekt, isolierter Vorhofseptumdefekt)"
- DA110_CorrectionCongenitalHeartDefectHLM ProcedureCode "DA110"
- DA120_CorrectionComplexCongenitalHeartDefectHLM GermanTerm "Korrktur angeborener komplexer Herzfehler mit Herzlungenmaschine"
- DA120_CorrectionComplexCongenitalHeartDefectHLM ProcedureCode "DA120"
- DB010_Valvuloplasty GermanTerm "valvuloplasty"
- DB010_Valvuloplasty ProcedureCode "DB010"
- DB020_PercutaneousImplantationPulmonaryValve GermanTerm "Perkutane interventionelle Pulmonalklappen–Implantation"
- DB020_PercutaneousImplantationPulmonaryValve ProcedureCode "DB020"
- DB030_ReconstructionAorticValve GermanTerm "Rekonstruction der Aortenklappe"
- DB030_ReconstructionAorticValve ProcedureCode "DB030"
- DB040_ReconstructionMitralValve GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Mitralklappe"
- DB040_ReconstructionMitralValve ProcedureCode "DB040"
- DB050_ReconstructionTricuspidValve GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Trikuspidalklappe"
- DB050_ReconstructionTricuspidValve ProcedureCode "DB050"
- DB055_ReconstructionPulmonaryValve GermanTerm "Rekonstruction der Pulmonalklappe"
- DB055_ReconstructionPulmonaryValve ProcedureCode "DB055"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft GermanTerm "Ersatz der Aortenklappe mit pulmonalem Autograft"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft ProcedureCode "DB060"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft Synonym "Ross Operation"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft Synonym "Ross Procedure"
- DB070_ReplacementAorticValveBiolStentless GermanTerm "Ersatz der Aortenklappe mit stentloser Klappe"
- DB070_ReplacementAorticValveBiolStentless ProcedureCode "DB070"
- DB080_ReplacementAorticValveBiolStent GermanTerm "Ersatz der Aortenklappe mit gestenteter Klappe"
- DB080_ReplacementAorticValveBiolStent ProcedureCode "DB080"
- DB082_ReplacementAorticValveArtifi GermanTerm "Ersatz der Aortenklappe mit künstlicher mechanischer Klappe"
- DB082_ReplacementAorticValveArtifi ProcedureCode "DB082"
- DB090_ReplacementMitralValveBiolStentless GermanTerm "Ersatz der Mitralklappe mit stentloser Klappe"
- DB090_ReplacementMitralValveBiolStentless ProcedureCode "DB090"
- DB100_ReplacementMitralValveBiolStent GermanTerm "Ersatz der Mitralklappe mit gestenteter Klappe"
- DB100_ReplacementMitralValveBiolStent ProcedureCode "DB100"
- DB102_ReplacmentMitralValveArtifi GermanTerm "Ersatz der Mitralklappe mit künstlicher mechanischer Klappe"
- DB102_ReplacmentMitralValveArtifi ProcedureCode "DB102"
- DB110_ReplacementTricuspidValveBiolStentless GermanTerm "Ersatz der Trikuspidalklappe mit stentloser Klappe"
- DB110_ReplacementTricuspidValveBiolStentless ProcedureCode "DB110"
- DB120_ReplacementTricuspidValveBiolStent GermanTerm "Ersatz der Trikuspidalklappe mit gestenteter Klappe"
- DB120_ReplacementTricuspidValveBiolStent ProcedureCode "DB120"
- DB122_ReplacementTricuspidValveArtifi GermanTerm "Ersatz der Trikuspidalklappe mit künstlicher mechanischer Klappe"
- DB122_ReplacementTricuspidValveArtifi ProcedureCode "DB122"
- DB130_ReplacementPulmonaryValveBiolStentless GermanTerm "Ersatz der Pulmonalklappe mit stentloser biologischer Klappe"
- DB130_ReplacementPulmonaryValveBiolStentless ProcedureCode "DB130"
- DB140_ReplacementPulmonaryValveBiolStent GermanTerm "Ersatz der Pulmonalklappe mit gestenteter biologischer Klappe"
- DB140_ReplacementPulmonaryValveBiolStent ProcedureCode "DB140"
- DB142_ReplacementPulmonaryValveArtifi GermanTerm "Ersatz der Pulmonalklappe mit künstlicher mechanischer Klappe"
- DB142_ReplacementPulmonaryValveArtifi ProcedureCode "DB142"
- DC010_FenestrationPericardiumOpen GermanTerm "Perikardfensterung - offen"
- DC010_FenestrationPericardiumOpen ProcedureCode "DC010"
- DC020_FenestrationPericardiumThoracoscopic GermanTerm "Perikardfensterung - thorakoskopisch"
- DC020_FenestrationPericardiumThoracoscopic ProcedureCode "DC020"
- DC030_Pericardectomy GermanTerm "Perikardektomie ohne Herzlungenmaschine"
- DC030_Pericardectomy ProcedureCode "DC030"
- DC040_PericardectomyHLM GermanTerm "Perikardektomie mit Herzlungenmaschine"
- DC040_PericardectomyHLM ProcedureCode "DC040"
- DD030_IntracoronalUltrasound GermanTerm "Intrakoronarer Ultraschall"
- DD030_IntracoronalUltrasound ProcedureCode "DD030"
- DD040_PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention Abbreviation "PCI"
- DD040_PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention Abbreviation "PTCA"
- DD040_PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention GermanTerm "Perkutane transluminale Koronarangioplastie"
- DD040_PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention ProcedureCode "DD040"
- DD040_PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention Synonym "Perkutane koronare Intervention"
- DD050_StentImplantationCoronaryVessels GermanTerm "Implantation eines Stents in die Koronargefäße"
- DD050_StentImplantationCoronaryVessels ProcedureCode "DD050"
- DD070_RotationAngioplasty GermanTerm "Rotationsangioplastie der Koronargefäße"
- DD070_RotationAngioplasty ProcedureCode "DD070"
- DD080_IntracoronaryThrombusAspiration GermanTerm "Intrakoronare Thrombusaspiration"
- DD080_IntracoronaryThrombusAspiration ProcedureCode "DD080"
- DD100_Endarterectomy GermanTerm "Endarterektomie einer Koronararterie"
- DD100_Endarterectomy ProcedureCode "DD100"
- DD100_PercutaneTransluminalAtherectomy GermanTerm "Perkutane transluminale Artherektomie einer Koronararterie"
- DD100_PercutaneTransluminalAtherectomy ProcedureCode "DD100"
- DD120_SingleBypass GermanTerm "Anlage eines koronaren Einfachbypasses ohne Herzlungenmaschine"
- DD120_SingleBypass ProcedureCode "DD120"
- DD130_SingleBypassHLM GermanTerm "Anlage eines koronaren Einfachbypasses mit Herzlungenmaschine"
- DD130_SingleBypassHLM ProcedureCode "DD130"
- DD140_MultipleBypass GermanTerm "Anlage eines koronaren Mehrfachbypasses ohne Herzlungenmaschine"
- DD140_MultipleBypass ProcedureCode "DD140"
- DD150_MultipleBypassHLM GermanTerm "Anlage eines koronaren Mehrfachbypasses mit Herzlungenmaschine"
- DD150_MultipleBypassHLM ProcedureCode "DD150"
- DE040_CatheterisaionCardacCondictionSystem GermanTerm "Katheteruntersuchung des kardialen Reizleitungssystems"
- DE040_CatheterisaionCardacCondictionSystem ProcedureCode "DE040"
- DE050_CatheterInducedAblationCardialConductionSystem GermanTerm "Katheterablation des kardialen Reizleitungssystems"
- DE050_CatheterInducedAblationCardialConductionSystem ProcedureCode "DE050"
- DE070_ImplantationCardiacMonitor GermanTerm "Implantation eines kardialen Monitors"
- DE080_ImplantationPacemakerSingle GermanTerm "Implantation eines Herzschrittmachers, Einkammersystem"
- DE080_ImplantationPacemakerSingle ProcedureCode "DE080"
- DE090_ImplantationPacmakerDual GermanTerm "Implantation eines Herzschrittmachers, Zweikammersystem"
- DE090_ImplantationPacmakerDual ProcedureCode "DE090"
- DE100_ImplantationResynchronisationSystem GermanTerm "Implantation eines Systems zur kardialen Resynchronisationstherapie"
- DE100_ImplantationResynchronisationSystem ProcedureCode "DE100"
- DE110_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillator GermanTerm "Implantation eines automatischen Kardioverter-Defibrillators"
- DE110_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillator ProcedureCode "DE110"
- DE120_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization GermanTerm "Implantation autom. Kardioverter-Defibrillator m. kard. Resynchronisationsfunktion"
- DE120_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization ProcedureCode "DE120"
- DE130_ReplacementPacemakerSound GermanTerm "Wechsel von Schrittmachersonden"
- DE130_ReplacementPacemakerSound ProcedureCode "DE130"
- DE140_ReplacementPacemakerSingle GermanTerm "Aggregatwechsel bei einem Herzschrittmacher, Einkammersystem"
- DE140_ReplacementPacemakerSingle ProcedureCode "DE140"
- DE150_ReplacementPacemakerDual GermanTerm "Aggregatwechsel bei einem Herzschrittmacher, Zweikammersystem"
- DE150_ReplacementPacemakerDual ProcedureCode "DE150"
- DE160_ReplacementResynchronizationSystem GermanTerm "Aggregatwechsel bei einem System zur kardialen Resynchronisationstherapie"
- DE160_ReplacementResynchronizationSystem ProcedureCode "DE160"
- DE170_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillator GermanTerm "Aggregatwechsel bei einem automatischen Kardioverter-Defibrillator"
- DE170_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillator ProcedureCode "DE170"
- DE180_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization GermanTerm "Aggregatwechsel bei automatischem Kardioverter-Defibrillator mit kardialer
- DE180_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization ProcedureCode "DE180"
- DF020_CatheterAngiographyPulmonaryArtery GermanTerm "Katheterangiographie der Pulmonalarterien"
- DF020_CatheterAngiographyPulmonaryArtery ProcedureCode "DF020"
- DF040_SystemicThrombolyticTherapyPulmonaryEmbolism GermanTerm "Systemische thrombolytische Therapie bei Pulmonalembolie"
- DF040_SystemicThrombolyticTherapyPulmonaryEmbolism ProcedureCode "DF040"
- DF050_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArtery GermanTerm "Embolektomie der Pulmonalarterien ohne Herzlungenmaschine"
- DF050_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArtery ProcedureCode "DF050"
- DF060_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArteryHLM GermanTerm "Embolektomie der Pulmonalarterien mit Herzlungenmaschine"
- DF060_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArteryHLM ProcedureCode "DF060"
- DG010_AngiographyAorta GermanTerm "Katheterangiographie der Aorta"
- DG010_AngiographyAorta ProcedureCode "DG010"
- DG020_AngioplastyAorta GermanTerm "Perkutane transluminale Angioplastie Aorta"
- DG020_AngioplastyAorta ProcedureCode "DG020"
- DG030_ImplantationStentgraftAortaThoracic GermanTerm "Implantation eines Stentgrafts – Aorta thorakal"
- DG030_ImplantationStentgraftAortaThoracic ProcedureCode "DG030"
- DG040_ImplantationStentgraftAortaAbdominal GermanTerm "Implantation eines Stentgrafts – Aorta abdominal"
- DG040_ImplantationStentgraftAortaAbdominal ProcedureCode "DG040"
- DG050_ImplantationStentgraftAorticBifurcation GermanTerm "Implantation eines Stentgrafts – Aortenbifurkation"
- DG050_ImplantationStentgraftAorticBifurcation ProcedureCode "DG050"
- DG060_ImplantationIntraAorticBalloonPump GermanTerm "Implantation einer intraaortalen Ballonpumpe"
- DG060_ImplantationIntraAorticBalloonPump ProcedureCode "DG060"
- DG070_ReconstructionAortaNoValveReplacement GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Aorta ascendens ohne Aortenklappenersatz/-rekonstruktion"
- DG070_ReconstructionAortaNoValveReplacement ProcedureCode "DG070"
- DG130_PartialReconstructionAorticArch GermanTerm "Partielle Rekonstruktion des Aortenbogens in Kreislaufstillstand"
- DG130_PartialReconstructionAorticArch ProcedureCode "DG130"
- DG140_TotalReconstructionAorticArch GermanTerm "Totale Rekonstruktion des Aortenbogens in Kreislaufstillstand"
- DG140_TotalReconstructionAorticArch ProcedureCode "DG140"
- DG150_Reconstruction_DescendingThoracicAortaWithInterponate GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Aorta thoracica descendens mit Gefäßinterponat"
- DG150_Reconstruction_DescendingThoracicAortaWithInterponate ProcedureCode "DG150"
- DG170_ReconstructionDescendingAbdominalAorta GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Aorta abdominalis ohne Gefäßinterponat"
- DG170_ReconstructionDescendingAbdominalAorta ProcedureCode "DG170"
- DG180_ReconstructionDescendingAbdominalAortaWithInterponate GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Aorta abdominalis mit Gefäßinterponat"
- DG180_ReconstructionDescendingAbdominalAortaWithInterponate ProcedureCode "DG180"
- DG190_ReconstructionAorticBifurcationWithInterponate GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Aortenbifurkation mit Gefäßinterponat"
- DG190_ReconstructionAorticBifurcationWithInterponate ProcedureCode "DG190"
- DH020_PhlebographyVenaCava GermanTerm "Phlebografie der Vena Cava"
- DH020_PhlebographyVenaCava ProcedureCode "DH020"
- DH030_ImplantationCavaFilter GermanTerm "Implantation eines Cava-Schirms"
- DH030_ImplantationCavaFilter ProcedureCode "DH030"
- DH040_ImplantationZVK GermanTerm "Implantation eines Langzeit-Zentralvenenkatheters"
- DH040_ImplantationZVK ProcedureCode "DH040"
- DH050_ReconstructionVenaCava GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion der Vena cava"
- DH050_ReconstructionVenaCava ProcedureCode "DH050"
- DL020_InvasiveMonitoring GermanTerm "Invasives Monitoring"
- DL020_InvasiveMonitoring ProcedureCode "DL020"
- DL030_CirculatorySystemSupportShortterm GermanTerm "Kurzfristige Kreislaufunterstützung mit Zentrifugalpumpe"
- DL030_CirculatorySystemSupportShortterm ProcedureCode "DL030"
- DL040_CirculatorySystemSupportMediumterm GermanTerm "Mittelfristige Kreislaufunterstützung mit parakorporaler Membranpumpe"
- DL040_CirculatorySystemSupportMediumterm ProcedureCode "DL040"
- DL050_CirculatorySystemSupportLongterm AnatomicalSiteCode "Langfristige Kreislaufunterstützung mit implantierbarem System"
- DL050_CirculatorySystemSupportLongterm ProcedureCode "DL050"
- DZ010_StressEchocardiography GermanTerm "Stressechokardiographie"
- DZ010_StressEchocardiography ProcedureCode "DZ010"
- DZ020_TransesophagealEchocardiography Abbreviation "TEE"
- DZ020_TransesophagealEchocardiography GermanTerm "Transösophageale Echokardiografie"
- DZ020_TransesophagealEchocardiography ProcedureCode "DZ020"
- DZ060_SutureHeart GermanTerm "Naht einer Verletzung des Herzens"
- DZ060_SutureHeart ProcedureCode "DZ060"
- DZ070_ImplantationHeart GermanTerm "Implantation des Herzens"
- DZ070_ImplantationHeart ProcedureCode "DZ070"
- DZ080_ImplantationHeartLung GermanTerm "Implantation von Herz und Lunge"
- DZ080_ImplantationHeartLung ProcedureCode "DZ080"
- DescendingAbdominalAorta GermanTerm "Bauchaorta"
- DescendingThoracicAorta GermanTerm "Aorta thoracica descendens"
- DiaphragmPump GermanTerm "Membranpumpe"
- DiaphragmPump Synonym "membrane pump"
- Dilatation GermanTerm "Dilatation"
- Ectomy GermanTerm "Perikardektomie"
- Elderly GermanTerm "Senioren"
- Embolism GermanTerm "Embolie"
- Endoscope GermanTerm "Endoskop"
- EndoscopicBodyOrificeAccess GermanTerm "Endoskopischer Zugang durch eine Körperöffnung"
- EndoscopicIntraluminalTransdermalAccess GermanTerm "Endokopischer intraluminaler transdermaler Zugang"
- EndoscopicTransdermalAccess GermanTerm "Endoskopischer transdermaler Zugang"
- Examination GermanTerm "Untersuchung"
- ExcisionProcedure GermanTerm "Excisionsoperation"
- Exploration GermanTerm "Exploration"
- Female GermanTerm "Weibliche Personen"
- Fenestration GermanTerm "Fensterung"
- HeartNFS GermanTerm "Herz ohne nähere Angaben"
- Implantation GermanTerm "Implantation"
- IntraAorticBalloonPump Abbreviation "IABP"
- IntraAorticBalloonPump GermanTerm "Intraaortale Ballonpumpe"
- IntraluminalTransdermalAccess GermanTerm "Intraluminaler transdermaler Zugang"
- IonisationUsage GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von einem Ionisationsmittel"
- LifeSupportMachine Abbreviation "HLM"
- LifeSupportMachine GermanTerm "Herz-Lungen-Maschine"
- LifeSupportMachine Synonym "heart-lung-machine"
- Longterm GermanTerm "langzeit"
- Lung GermanTerm "Lunge"
- Lung LatinTerm "Pulmo"
- MRINoAccess GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von MRT, ohne Zugang"
- MRIUsageNonOpen GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von MRT, mit einem anderen als einem offenen Zugang"
- Male GermanTerm "Männliche Personen"
- MitralValve GermanTerm "Mitralklappe"
- MitralValve Synonym "Bicuspid valve"
- Monitoring GermanTerm "Monitoring"
- MyocardialInfarction Abbreviation "MI"
- MyocardialInfarction GermanTerm "Myokardinfarkt"
- Myocardium AnatomicalSiteCode "DA"
- Myocardium GermanTerm "Myokard"
- MyokardVentriclesSeptumSite AnatomicalSiteCode "DA"
- MyokardVentriclesSeptumSite GermanTerm "Myokard, Kammern und Septen des Herzen"
- Myxoma GermanTerm "Myxom"
- OpenAccess GermanTerm "Offener Zugang"
- OtherUsageNoAccess GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme anderer Mittel / ohne Hilfsmittel, ohne Zugang"
- Pacemaker GermanTerm "Herzschrittmacher"
- Pacemaker Synonym "Artificial cardiac pacemaker"
- PericardiumSite AnatomicalSiteCode "DC"
- PericardiumSite GermanTerm "Perikard"
- PericardiumSite LatinTerm "Pericardium"
- PericardiumSite Synonym "Herzbeutel"
- PulmonaryArtery GermanTerm "Pulmonalarterie"
- PulmonaryArtery LatinTerm "Arteria pulmonalis"
- PulmonaryValve GermanTerm "Pulmonalklappe"
- Reconstruction GermanTerm "Rekonstruktion"
- Replacement GermanTerm "Ersatz"
- Resection GermanTerm "Resektion"
- Resynchronisation GermanTerm "Resynchronisation"
- RossProcedure GermanTerm "Ross Operation"
- Sarcoma GermanTerm "Sarkom"
- Septum AnatomicalSiteCode "DA"
- Septum GermanTerm "Herzseptum"
- Septum LatinTerm "Septum cordis"
- Septum Synonym "Herzscheidewand"
- Single GermanTerm "einfach"
- SingleVentricular GermanTerm "eine Herzkammer betreffend"
- Sound GermanTerm "Sonde"
- Stenosis GermanTerm "Stenose"
- Stenosis Synonym "Stenosis"
- Stentgraft GermanTerm "Stentgraft"
- SupportCardiovascularSystem GermanTerm "Kreislaufunterstützung"
- Suture GermanTerm "Naht"
- Therapy GermanTerm "Therapie"
- Therapy ProcedureTypeCode "T"
- Thoracoscope GermanTerm "Thorakoskop"
- Thrombus GermanTerm "Thrombus"
- Total GermanTerm "total"
- TransdermalAccess GermanTerm "Transdermaler Zugang"
- TricuspidValve AnatomicalSiteCode "DB"
- TricuspidValve GermanTerm "Trikuspidalklappe"
- UltrasoundUsageNonOpen GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von Ultraschall, mit einem anderen als einem offenen Zugang"
- UndefinedAccess GermanTerm "Zugang nicht näher definiert"
- VenaCava GermanTerm "Hohlvene"
- VenaCava LatinTerm "Vena cava"
- VentricularSeptalDefect Abbreviation "VSD"
- VentricularSeptalDefect GermanTerm "Ventrikelseptumdefekt"
- VentricularSeptalDefect Synonym "Kammerseptumdefekt"
- XRay GermanTerm "Röntgen"
- XRayNoAccess GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von Röntgenstrahlen, ohne Zugang"
- XRayUsageNonOpen GermanTerm "Tätigkeit unter Zuhilfenahme von Röntgenstrahlen, mit einem anderen als einem offenen Zugang"
- catheterisation GermanTerm "Katheterisierung"
- lysis GermanTerm "Lyse"
- multiple GermanTerm "mehrfach"
- otherUnits GermanTerm "andere Leistungseinheit"
- otherUnits UnitCode "F"
- partial GermanTerm "partiell"
- perApplication GermanTerm "je Applikation/Prothese/Stent"
- perApplication UnitCode "A"
- perDay GermanTerm "je Behandlungstag"
- perDay UnitCode "B"
- perSession GermanTerm "je Sitzung"
- perSession UnitCode "D"
- perSide GermanTerm "je Seite"
- perSide UnitCode "C"
- perStay GermanTerm "je Aufenthalt"
- perStay UnitCode "E"
- ventricle AnatomicalSiteCode "DA"
- ventricle GermanTerm "Herzkammer"
- VocabularyEncodingScheme rdfs:label "Vocabulary Encoding Scheme" @en-us
- VocabularyEncodingScheme skos:definition "An enumerated set of resources." @en-us
- memberOf rdfs:label "Member Of" @en-us
- memberOf skos:definition "A relationship between a resource and a vocabulary encoding scheme which indicates that the resource is a member of a set." @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor rdfs:comment "Examples of a Contributor include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor rdfs:label "Contributor" @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor rdfs:label "Media Type or Extent" @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor rdfs:label "UDC" @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor skos:definition "A media type or extent." @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor skos:definition "An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource." @en-us
- dc:contributor dc:contributor dc:contributor skos:definition "The set of conceptual resources specified by the Universal Decimal Classification." @en-us
- dc:coverage rdfs:comment "Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names. Where appropriate, named places or time periods can be used in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date ranges." @en-us
- dc:coverage rdfs:label "Coverage" @en-us
- dc:coverage skos:definition "The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant." @en-us
- dc:creator rdfs:comment "Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dc:creator rdfs:label "Creator" @en-us
- dc:creator skos:definition "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource." @en-us
- dc:date rdfs:comment "Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601." @en-us
- dc:date rdfs:label "Date" @en-us
- dc:date skos:definition "A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource." @en-us
- dc:description rdfs:comment "Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource." @en-us
- dc:description rdfs:label "Description" @en-us
- dc:description skos:definition "An account of the resource." @en-us
- dc:format rdfs:comment "Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types." @en-us
- dc:format rdfs:label "Format" @en-us
- dc:format skos:definition "The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource." @en-us
- dc:identifier rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dc:identifier rdfs:label "Identifier" @en-us
- dc:identifier skos:definition "An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context." @en-us
- dc:language rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 4646." @en-us
- dc:language rdfs:label "Language" @en-us
- dc:language skos:definition "A language of the resource." @en-us
- dc:publisher rdfs:comment "Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dc:publisher rdfs:label "Publisher" @en-us
- dc:publisher skos:definition "An entity responsible for making the resource available." @en-us
- dc:relation rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dc:relation rdfs:label "Relation" @en-us
- dc:relation skos:definition "A related resource." @en-us
- dc:rights rdfs:comment "Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights." @en-us
- dc:rights rdfs:label "Rights" @en-us
- dc:rights skos:definition "Information about rights held in and over the resource." @en-us
- dc:source rdfs:comment "The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dc:source rdfs:label "Source" @en-us
- dc:source skos:definition "A related resource from which the described resource is derived." @en-us
- dc:subject rdfs:comment "Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element." @en-us
- dc:subject rdfs:label "Subject" @en-us
- dc:subject skos:definition "The topic of the resource." @en-us
- dc:title rdfs:comment "Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known." @en-us
- dc:title rdfs:label "Title" @en-us
- dc:title skos:definition "A name given to the resource." @en-us
- dc:type rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element." @en-us
- dc:type rdfs:label "Type" @en-us
- dc:type skos:definition "The nature or genre of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:Agent rdfs:comment "Examples of Agent include person, organization, and software agent." @en-us
- dcterms:Agent rdfs:label "Agent" @en-us
- dcterms:Agent skos:definition "A resource that acts or has the power to act." @en-us
- dcterms:AgentClass dcterms:AgentClass rdfs:comment "Examples of Agent Class include groups seen as classes, such as students, women, charities, lecturers." @en-us
- dcterms:AgentClass dcterms:AgentClass rdfs:label "Agent Class" @en-us
- dcterms:AgentClass dcterms:AgentClass skos:definition "A group of agents." @en-us
- dcterms:BibliographicResource rdfs:label "Bibliographic Resource" @en-us
- dcterms:BibliographicResource skos:definition "A book, article, or other documentary resource." @en-us
- dcterms:Box rdfs:label "DCMI Box" @en-us
- dcterms:Box skos:definition "The set of regions in space defined by their geographic coordinates according to the DCMI Box Encoding Scheme." @en-us
- dcterms:DCMIType rdfs:label "DCMI Type Vocabulary" @en-us
- dcterms:DCMIType skos:definition "The set of classes specified by the DCMI Type Vocabulary, used to categorize the nature or genre of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:DDC rdfs:label "DDC" @en-us
- dcterms:DDC skos:definition "The set of conceptual resources specified by the Dewey Decimal Classification." @en-us
- dcterms:FileFormat dcterms:FileFormat rdfs:comment "Examples include the formats defined by the list of Internet Media Types." @en-us
- dcterms:FileFormat dcterms:FileFormat rdfs:label "File Format" @en-us
- dcterms:FileFormat dcterms:FileFormat skos:definition "A digital resource format." @en-us
- dcterms:Frequency rdfs:label "Frequency" @en-us
- dcterms:Frequency skos:definition "A rate at which something recurs." @en-us
- dcterms:IMT rdfs:label "IMT" @en-us
- dcterms:IMT skos:definition "The set of media types specified by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority." @en-us
- dcterms:ISO3166 rdfs:label "ISO 3166" @en-us
- dcterms:ISO3166 skos:definition "The set of codes listed in ISO 3166-1 for the representation of names of countries." @en-us
- dcterms:ISO639-2 rdfs:label "ISO 639-2" @en-us
- dcterms:ISO639-2 skos:definition "The three-letter alphabetic codes listed in ISO639-2 for the representation of names of languages." @en-us
- dcterms:ISO639-3 rdfs:label "ISO 639-3" @en-us
- dcterms:ISO639-3 skos:definition "The set of three-letter codes listed in ISO 639-3 for the representation of names of languages." @en-us
- dcterms:Jurisdiction dcterms:Jurisdiction rdfs:label "Jurisdiction" @en-us
- dcterms:Jurisdiction dcterms:Jurisdiction skos:definition "The extent or range of judicial, law enforcement, or other authority." @en-us
- dcterms:LCC rdfs:label "LCC" @en-us
- dcterms:LCC skos:definition "The set of conceptual resources specified by the Library of Congress Classification." @en-us
- dcterms:LCSH rdfs:label "LCSH" @en-us
- dcterms:LCSH skos:definition "The set of labeled concepts specified by the Library of Congress Subject Headings." @en-us
- dcterms:LicenseDocument dcterms:LicenseDocument rdfs:label "License Document" @en-us
- dcterms:LicenseDocument dcterms:LicenseDocument skos:definition "A legal document giving official permission to do something with a Resource." @en-us
- dcterms:LinguisticSystem rdfs:comment "Examples include written, spoken, sign, and computer languages." @en-us
- dcterms:LinguisticSystem rdfs:label "Linguistic System" @en-us
- dcterms:LinguisticSystem skos:definition "A system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, or rules used in communication." @en-us
- dcterms:Location dcterms:Location rdfs:label "Location" @en-us
- dcterms:Location dcterms:Location skos:definition "A spatial region or named place." @en-us
- dcterms:LocationPeriodOrJurisdiction dcterms:LocationPeriodOrJurisdiction rdfs:label "Location, Period, or Jurisdiction" @en-us
- dcterms:LocationPeriodOrJurisdiction dcterms:LocationPeriodOrJurisdiction skos:definition "A location, period of time, or jurisdiction." @en-us
- dcterms:MESH rdfs:label "MeSH" @en-us
- dcterms:MESH skos:definition "The set of labeled concepts specified by the Medical Subject Headings." @en-us
- dcterms:MediaType dcterms:MediaType rdfs:label "Media Type" @en-us
- dcterms:MediaType dcterms:MediaType skos:definition "A file format or physical medium." @en-us
- dcterms:MethodOfAccrual rdfs:label "Method of Accrual" @en-us
- dcterms:MethodOfAccrual skos:definition "A method by which resources are added to a collection." @en-us
- dcterms:MethodOfInstruction rdfs:label "Method of Instruction" @en-us
- dcterms:MethodOfInstruction skos:definition "A process that is used to engender knowledge, attitudes, and skills." @en-us
- dcterms:NLM rdfs:label "NLM" @en-us
- dcterms:NLM skos:definition "The set of conceptual resources specified by the National Library of Medicine Classification." @en-us
- dcterms:Period rdfs:label "DCMI Period" @en-us
- dcterms:Period skos:definition "The set of time intervals defined by their limits according to the DCMI Period Encoding Scheme." @en-us
- dcterms:PeriodOfTime dcterms:PeriodOfTime rdfs:label "Period of Time" @en-us
- dcterms:PeriodOfTime dcterms:PeriodOfTime skos:definition "An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end dates." @en-us
- dcterms:PhysicalMedium dcterms:PhysicalMedium rdfs:comment "Examples include paper, canvas, or DVD." @en-us
- dcterms:PhysicalMedium dcterms:PhysicalMedium rdfs:label "Physical Medium" @en-us
- dcterms:PhysicalMedium dcterms:PhysicalMedium skos:definition "A physical material or carrier." @en-us
- dcterms:PhysicalResource rdfs:label "Physical Resource" @en-us
- dcterms:PhysicalResource skos:definition "A material thing." @en-us
- dcterms:Point rdfs:label "DCMI Point" @en-us
- dcterms:Point skos:definition "The set of points in space defined by their geographic coordinates according to the DCMI Point Encoding Scheme." @en-us
- dcterms:Policy rdfs:label "Policy" @en-us
- dcterms:Policy skos:definition "A plan or course of action by an authority, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters." @en-us
- dcterms:ProvenanceStatement rdfs:label "Provenance Statement" @en-us
- dcterms:ProvenanceStatement skos:definition "A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of a resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation." @en-us
- dcterms:RFC1766 rdfs:label "RFC 1766" @en-us
- dcterms:RFC1766 skos:definition "The set of tags, constructed according to RFC 1766, for the identification of languages." @en-us
- dcterms:RFC3066 rdfs:comment "RFC 3066 has been obsoleted by RFC 4646." @en-us
- dcterms:RFC3066 rdfs:label "RFC 3066" @en-us
- dcterms:RFC3066 skos:definition "The set of tags constructed according to RFC 3066 for the identification of languages." @en-us
- dcterms:RFC4646 rdfs:comment "RFC 4646 obsoletes RFC 3066." @en-us
- dcterms:RFC4646 rdfs:label "RFC 4646" @en-us
- dcterms:RFC4646 skos:definition "The set of tags constructed according to RFC 4646 for the identification of languages." @en-us
- dcterms:RightsStatement dcterms:RightsStatement rdfs:label "Rights Statement" @en-us
- dcterms:RightsStatement dcterms:RightsStatement skos:definition "A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a Resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights." @en-us
- dcterms:SizeOrDuration dcterms:SizeOrDuration rdfs:comment "Examples include a number of pages, a specification of length, width, and breadth, or a period in hours, minutes, and seconds." @en-us
- dcterms:SizeOrDuration dcterms:SizeOrDuration rdfs:label "Size or Duration" @en-us
- dcterms:SizeOrDuration dcterms:SizeOrDuration skos:definition "A dimension or extent, or a time taken to play or execute." @en-us
- dcterms:Standard rdfs:label "Standard" @en-us
- dcterms:Standard skos:definition "A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated." @en-us
- dcterms:TGN rdfs:label "TGN" @en-us
- dcterms:TGN skos:definition "The set of places specified by the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names." @en-us
- dcterms:URI rdfs:label "URI" @en-us
- dcterms:URI skos:definition "The set of identifiers constructed according to the generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers as specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force." @en-us
- dcterms:W3CDTF rdfs:label "W3C-DTF" @en-us
- dcterms:W3CDTF skos:definition "The set of dates and times constructed according to the W3C Date and Time Formats Specification." @en-us
- dcterms:abstract rdfs:label "Abstract" @en-us
- dcterms:abstract skos:definition "A summary of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:accessRights rdfs:comment "Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies." @en-us
- dcterms:accessRights rdfs:label "Access Rights" @en-us
- dcterms:accessRights skos:definition "Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status." @en-us
- dcterms:accrualMethod rdfs:label "Accrual Method" @en-us
- dcterms:accrualMethod skos:definition "The method by which items are added to a collection." @en-us
- dcterms:accrualPeriodicity rdfs:label "Accrual Periodicity" @en-us
- dcterms:accrualPeriodicity skos:definition "The frequency with which items are added to a collection." @en-us
- dcterms:accrualPolicy rdfs:label "Accrual Policy" @en-us
- dcterms:accrualPolicy skos:definition "The policy governing the addition of items to a collection." @en-us
- dcterms:alternative rdfs:comment "The distinction between titles and alternative titles is application-specific." @en-us
- dcterms:alternative rdfs:label "Alternative Title" @en-us
- dcterms:alternative skos:definition "An alternative name for the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:alternative skos:note "In current practice, this term is used primarily with literal values; however, there are important uses with non-literal values as well. As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is leaving this range unspecified pending an investigation of options." @en-us
- dcterms:audience rdfs:label "Audience" @en-us
- dcterms:audience skos:definition "A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful." @en-us
- dcterms:available rdfs:label "Date Available" @en-us
- dcterms:available skos:definition "Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available." @en-us
- dcterms:bibliographicCitation rdfs:comment "Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible." @en-us
- dcterms:bibliographicCitation rdfs:label "Bibliographic Citation" @en-us
- dcterms:bibliographicCitation skos:definition "A bibliographic reference for the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:conformsTo rdfs:label "Conforms To" @en-us
- dcterms:conformsTo skos:definition "An established standard to which the described resource conforms." @en-us
- dcterms:contributor rdfs:comment "Examples of a Contributor include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dcterms:contributor rdfs:label "Contributor" @en-us
- dcterms:contributor skos:definition "An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:coverage dcterms:bibliographicCitation "[TGN]"
- dcterms:coverage rdfs:comment "Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN]. Where appropriate, named places or time periods can be used in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date ranges." @en-us
- dcterms:coverage rdfs:label "Coverage" @en-us
- dcterms:coverage skos:definition "The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant." @en-us
- dcterms:created rdfs:label "Date Created" @en-us
- dcterms:created skos:definition "Date of creation of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:creator rdfs:comment "Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dcterms:creator rdfs:label "Creator" @en-us
- dcterms:creator skos:definition "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:date dcterms:bibliographicCitation "[W3CDTF]"
- dcterms:date rdfs:comment "Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF]." @en-us
- dcterms:date rdfs:label "Date" @en-us
- dcterms:date skos:definition "A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:dateAccepted rdfs:comment "Examples of resources to which a Date Accepted may be relevant are a thesis (accepted by a university department) or an article (accepted by a journal)." @en-us
- dcterms:dateAccepted rdfs:label "Date Accepted" @en-us
- dcterms:dateAccepted skos:definition "Date of acceptance of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:dateCopyrighted rdfs:label "Date Copyrighted" @en-us
- dcterms:dateCopyrighted skos:definition "Date of copyright." @en-us
- dcterms:dateSubmitted rdfs:comment "Examples of resources to which a Date Submitted may be relevant are a thesis (submitted to a university department) or an article (submitted to a journal)." @en-us
- dcterms:dateSubmitted rdfs:label "Date Submitted" @en-us
- dcterms:dateSubmitted skos:definition "Date of submission of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:description rdfs:comment "Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:description rdfs:label "Description" @en-us
- dcterms:description skos:definition "An account of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:educationLevel rdfs:label "Audience Education Level" @en-us
- dcterms:educationLevel skos:definition "A class of entity, defined in terms of progression through an educational or training context, for which the described resource is intended." @en-us
- dcterms:extent rdfs:label "Extent" @en-us
- dcterms:extent skos:definition "The size or duration of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:format dcterms:bibliographicCitation "[MIME]"
- dcterms:format rdfs:comment "Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types [MIME]." @en-us
- dcterms:format rdfs:label "Format" @en-us
- dcterms:format skos:definition "The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:hasFormat rdfs:label "Has Format" @en-us
- dcterms:hasFormat skos:definition "A related resource that is substantially the same as the pre-existing described resource, but in another format." @en-us
- dcterms:hasFormat skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:hasPart rdfs:label "Has Part" @en-us
- dcterms:hasPart skos:definition "A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:hasPart skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:hasVersion rdfs:label "Has Version" @en-us
- dcterms:hasVersion skos:definition "A related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:hasVersion skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:identifier rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dcterms:identifier rdfs:label "Identifier" @en-us
- dcterms:identifier skos:definition "An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context." @en-us
- dcterms:instructionalMethod rdfs:comment "Instructional Method will typically include ways of presenting instructional materials or conducting instructional activities, patterns of learner-to-learner and learner-to-instructor interactions, and mechanisms by which group and individual levels of learning are measured. Instructional methods include all aspects of the instruction and learning processes from planning and implementation through evaluation and feedback." @en-us
- dcterms:instructionalMethod rdfs:label "Instructional Method" @en-us
- dcterms:instructionalMethod skos:definition "A process, used to engender knowledge, attitudes and skills, that the described resource is designed to support." @en-us
- dcterms:isFormatOf rdfs:label "Is Format Of" @en-us
- dcterms:isFormatOf skos:definition "A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in another format." @en-us
- dcterms:isFormatOf skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:isPartOf rdfs:label "Is Part Of" @en-us
- dcterms:isPartOf skos:definition "A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included." @en-us
- dcterms:isPartOf skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:isReferencedBy rdfs:label "Is Referenced By" @en-us
- dcterms:isReferencedBy skos:definition "A related resource that references, cites, or otherwise points to the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:isReferencedBy skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:isReplacedBy rdfs:label "Is Replaced By" @en-us
- dcterms:isReplacedBy skos:definition "A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:isReplacedBy skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:isRequiredBy rdfs:label "Is Required By" @en-us
- dcterms:isRequiredBy skos:definition "A related resource that requires the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence." @en-us
- dcterms:isRequiredBy skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:isVersionOf rdfs:comment "Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format." @en-us
- dcterms:isVersionOf rdfs:label "Is Version Of" @en-us
- dcterms:isVersionOf skos:definition "A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation." @en-us
- dcterms:isVersionOf skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:issued rdfs:label "Date Issued" @en-us
- dcterms:issued skos:definition "Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:language dcterms:bibliographicCitation "[RFC4646]"
- dcterms:language rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 4646 [RFC4646]." @en-us
- dcterms:language rdfs:label "Language" @en-us
- dcterms:language skos:definition "A language of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:license rdfs:label "License" @en-us
- dcterms:license skos:definition "A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:mediator rdfs:comment "In an educational context, a mediator might be a parent, teacher, teaching assistant, or care-giver." @en-us
- dcterms:mediator rdfs:label "Mediator" @en-us
- dcterms:mediator skos:definition "An entity that mediates access to the resource and for whom the resource is intended or useful." @en-us
- dcterms:medium rdfs:label "Medium" @en-us
- dcterms:medium skos:definition "The material or physical carrier of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:modified rdfs:label "Date Modified" @en-us
- dcterms:modified skos:definition "Date on which the resource was changed." @en-us
- dcterms:provenance rdfs:comment "The statement may include a description of any changes successive custodians made to the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:provenance rdfs:label "Provenance" @en-us
- dcterms:provenance skos:definition "A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation." @en-us
- dcterms:publisher rdfs:comment "Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity." @en-us
- dcterms:publisher rdfs:label "Publisher" @en-us
- dcterms:publisher skos:definition "An entity responsible for making the resource available." @en-us
- dcterms:references rdfs:label "References" @en-us
- dcterms:references skos:definition "A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:references skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:relation rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dcterms:relation rdfs:label "Relation" @en-us
- dcterms:relation skos:definition "A related resource." @en-us
- dcterms:relation skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:replaces rdfs:label "Replaces" @en-us
- dcterms:replaces skos:definition "A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource." @en-us
- dcterms:replaces skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:requires rdfs:label "Requires" @en-us
- dcterms:requires skos:definition "A related resource that is required by the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence." @en-us
- dcterms:requires skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:rights rdfs:comment "Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights." @en-us
- dcterms:rights rdfs:label "Rights" @en-us
- dcterms:rights skos:definition "Information about rights held in and over the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:rightsHolder rdfs:label "Rights Holder" @en-us
- dcterms:rightsHolder skos:definition "A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:source rdfs:comment "The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system." @en-us
- dcterms:source rdfs:label "Source" @en-us
- dcterms:source skos:definition "A related resource from which the described resource is derived." @en-us
- dcterms:source skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:spatial rdfs:label "Spatial Coverage" @en-us
- dcterms:spatial skos:definition "Spatial characteristics of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:subject rdfs:comment "Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element." @en-us
- dcterms:subject rdfs:label "Subject" @en-us
- dcterms:subject skos:definition "The topic of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:subject skos:note "This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration." @en-us
- dcterms:tableOfContents rdfs:label "Table Of Contents" @en-us
- dcterms:tableOfContents skos:definition "A list of subunits of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:temporal rdfs:label "Temporal Coverage" @en-us
- dcterms:temporal skos:definition "Temporal characteristics of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:title rdfs:label "Title" @en-us
- dcterms:title skos:definition "A name given to the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:title skos:note "In current practice, this term is used primarily with literal values; however, there are important uses with non-literal values as well. As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is leaving this range unspecified pending an investigation of options." @en-us
- dcterms:type dcterms:bibliographicCitation "[DCMITYPE]"
- dcterms:type rdfs:comment "Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMITYPE]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element." @en-us
- dcterms:type rdfs:label "Type" @en-us
- dcterms:type skos:definition "The nature or genre of the resource." @en-us
- dcterms:valid rdfs:label "Date Valid" @en-us
- dcterms:valid skos:definition "Date (often a range) of validity of a resource." @en-us
- skos:Collection rdfs:label "Collection" @en
- skos:Collection skos:definition "A meaningful collection of concepts." @en
- skos:Collection skos:scopeNote "Labelled collections can be used where you would like a set of concepts to be displayed under a 'node label' in the hierarchy." @en
- skos:Concept rdfs:label "Concept" @en
- skos:Concept skos:definition "An idea or notion; a unit of thought." @en
- skos:ConceptScheme rdfs:label "Concept Scheme" @en
- skos:ConceptScheme skos:definition "A set of concepts, optionally including statements about semantic relationships between those concepts." @en
- skos:ConceptScheme skos:example "Thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', and other types of controlled vocabulary are all examples of concept schemes. Concept schemes are also embedded in glossaries and terminologies." @en
- skos:ConceptScheme skos:scopeNote "A concept scheme may be defined to include concepts from different sources." @en
- skos:OrderedCollection rdfs:label "Ordered Collection" @en
- skos:OrderedCollection skos:definition "An ordered collection of concepts, where both the grouping and the ordering are meaningful." @en
- skos:OrderedCollection skos:scopeNote "Ordered collections can be used where you would like a set of concepts to be displayed in a specific order, and optionally under a 'node label'." @en
- skos:altLabel rdfs:comment "The range of skos:altLabel is the class of RDF plain literals." @en
- skos:altLabel rdfs:comment "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties." @en
- skos:altLabel rdfs:label "alternative label" @en
- skos:altLabel skos:definition "An alternative lexical label for a resource." @en
- skos:altLabel skos:example "Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept. Mis-spelled terms are normally included as hidden labels (see skos:hiddenLabel)." @en
- skos:broadMatch rdfs:label "has broader match" @en
- skos:broadMatch skos:definition "skos:broadMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes." @en
- skos:broader rdfs:comment "Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree)." @en
- skos:broader rdfs:label "has broader" @en
- skos:broader skos:definition "Relates a concept to a concept that is more general in meaning." @en
- skos:broader skos:scopeNote "By convention, skos:broader is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources." @en
- skos:broaderTransitive rdfs:label "has broader transitive" @en
- skos:broaderTransitive skos:definition "skos:broaderTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:broader."
- skos:broaderTransitive skos:scopeNote "By convention, skos:broaderTransitive is not used to make assertions. Rather, the properties can be used to draw inferences about the transitive closure of the hierarchical relation, which is useful e.g. when implementing a simple query expansion algorithm in a search application." @en
- skos:changeNote rdfs:label "change note" @en
- skos:changeNote skos:definition "A note about a modification to a concept." @en
- skos:closeMatch rdfs:label "has close match" @en
- skos:closeMatch skos:definition "skos:closeMatch is used to link two concepts that are sufficiently similar that they can be used interchangeably in some information retrieval applications. In order to avoid the possibility of "compound errors" when combining mappings across more than two concept schemes, skos:closeMatch is not declared to be a transitive property." @en
- skos:definition rdfs:label "definition" @en
- skos:definition skos:definition "A statement or formal explanation of the meaning of a concept." @en
- skos:editorialNote rdfs:label "editorial note" @en
- skos:editorialNote skos:definition "A note for an editor, translator or maintainer of the vocabulary." @en
- skos:exactMatch rdfs:comment "skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch." @en
- skos:exactMatch rdfs:label "has exact match" @en
- skos:exactMatch skos:definition "skos:exactMatch is used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably across a wide range of information retrieval applications. skos:exactMatch is a transitive property, and is a sub-property of skos:closeMatch." @en
- skos:example rdfs:label "example" @en
- skos:example skos:definition "An example of the use of a concept." @en
- skos:hasTopConcept rdfs:label "has top concept" @en
- skos:hasTopConcept skos:definition "Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies." @en
- skos:hiddenLabel rdfs:comment "The range of skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain literals." @en
- skos:hiddenLabel rdfs:comment "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties." @en
- skos:hiddenLabel rdfs:label "hidden label" @en
- skos:hiddenLabel skos:definition "A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations." @en
- skos:historyNote rdfs:label "history note" @en
- skos:historyNote skos:definition "A note about the past state/use/meaning of a concept." @en
- skos:inScheme rdfs:label "is in scheme" @en
- skos:inScheme skos:definition "Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included." @en
- skos:inScheme skos:scopeNote "A concept may be a member of more than one concept scheme." @en
- skos:mappingRelation rdfs:comment "These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice." @en
- skos:mappingRelation rdfs:label "is in mapping relation with" @en
- skos:mappingRelation skos:definition "Relates two concepts coming, by convention, from different schemes, and that have comparable meanings" @en
- skos:member rdfs:label "has member" @en
- skos:member skos:definition "Relates a collection to one of its members." @en
- skos:memberList rdfs:comment "For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the
skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property." @en
- skos:memberList rdfs:label "has member list" @en
- skos:memberList skos:definition "Relates an ordered collection to the RDF list containing its members." @en
- skos:narrowMatch rdfs:label "has narrower match" @en
- skos:narrowMatch skos:definition "skos:narrowMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes." @en
- skos:narrower rdfs:comment "Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree)." @en
- skos:narrower rdfs:label "has narrower" @en
- skos:narrower skos:definition "Relates a concept to a concept that is more specific in meaning." @en
- skos:narrower skos:scopeNote "By convention, skos:broader is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources." @en
- skos:narrowerTransitive rdfs:label "has narrower transitive" @en
- skos:narrowerTransitive skos:definition "skos:narrowerTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:narrower."
- skos:narrowerTransitive skos:scopeNote "By convention, skos:narrowerTransitive is not used to make assertions. Rather, the properties can be used to draw inferences about the transitive closure of the hierarchical relation, which is useful e.g. when implementing a simple query expansion algorithm in a search application." @en
- skos:notation rdfs:label "notation" @en
- skos:notation skos:definition "A notation, also known as classification code, is a string of characters such as "T58.5" or "303.4833" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme." @en
- skos:notation skos:scopeNote "By convention, skos:notation is used with a typed literal in the object position of the triple." @en
- skos:note rdfs:label "note" @en
- skos:note skos:definition "A general note, for any purpose." @en
- skos:note skos:scopeNote "This property may be used directly, or as a super-property for more specific note types." @en
- skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment "A resource has no more than one value of skos:prefLabel per language tag, and no more than one value of skos:prefLabel without language tag." @en
- skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment "The range of skos:prefLabel is the class of RDF plain literals." @en
- skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise
disjoint properties." @en
- skos:prefLabel rdfs:label "preferred label" @en
- skos:prefLabel skos:definition "The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language." @en
- skos:related rdfs:comment "skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive" @en
- skos:related rdfs:label "has related" @en
- skos:related skos:definition "Relates a concept to a concept with which there is an associative semantic relationship." @en
- skos:relatedMatch rdfs:label "has related match" @en
- skos:relatedMatch skos:definition "skos:relatedMatch is used to state an associative mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes." @en
- skos:scopeNote rdfs:label "scope note" @en
- skos:scopeNote skos:definition "A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept." @en
- skos:semanticRelation rdfs:label "is in semantic relation with" @en
- skos:semanticRelation skos:definition "Links a concept to a concept related by meaning." @en
- skos:semanticRelation skos:scopeNote "This property should not be used directly, but as a super-property for all properties denoting a relationship of meaning between concepts." @en
- skos:topConceptOf rdfs:label "is top concept in scheme" @en
- skos:topConceptOf skos:definition "Relates a concept to the concept scheme that it is a top level concept of." @en
- Ablation Ablation rdfs:label "Ablation"
- Access rdfs:comment "Access models types of access related to a specific medical procedure. It explains how the target region of the medical procedure was reached. Access is static information already available in the APC."
- Access rdfs:label "Access"
- Access germanTerm "Art des Zugangs"
- Access preferred_name "Type of Access"
- ActiveProduct rdfs:comment "Active implantable devices are products, which are implanted in the human body and need an additional source of energy (other than energy obtained from the human body or gravity)."
- ActiveProduct rdfs:label "Active implantable device"
- ActiveProduct germanTerm "Aktives implantierbares Produkt"
- ActiveProduct preferred_name "Active implantable device"
- Aim rdfs:comment "Aim describes and models the aim, which underlies a specific procedure. It answers the question, what is the best possible outcome of a medical procedure?"
- Aim rdfs:label "Aim"
- Aim germanTerm "Ziel"
- Aim preferred_name "Aim"
- AnesthesiaRespiratorDevice rdfs:comment "Medical products and accessories for supply, conditioning, monitoring, distribution, and emission of respiration gas or medical and anesthetic gas"
- AnesthesiaRespiratorDevice rdfs:label "Anestesia and respiration apparatus"
- AnesthesiaRespiratorDevice germanTerm "Anästhesie- und Beatmungsgerät"
- AnesthesiaRespiratorDevice preferred_name "Anesthesia and respiration apparatus"
- Aneurysm rdfs:label "aneurysm"
- Aorta rdfs:label "Aorta"
- Aorta preferred_name "Aorta"
- AortaSite germanTerm "Aorta Lokalisation"
- AorticArch AorticArch germanTerm "Aortenbogen"
- AorticValve AorticValve germanTerm "Aortenklappe"
- ArtificialHeart rdfs:label "Artificial Heart"
- Aspiration rdfs:label "Aspiration"
- BiologicalDevice rdfs:comment "Medical Devices that are of biological origin (e.g. xenografts)"
- BiologicalDevice rdfs:label "Biological device"
- BiologicalDevice germanTerm "Produkt biologischer Herkunft"
- BiologicalDevice preferred_name "Device of biological origin"
- Biopsy Biopsy rdfs:label "Biopsy"
- BodyFunction rdfs:comment "Body function models functions of the human body. Body function is static information available in the APC."
- BodyFunction rdfs:label "Body function"
- BodyFunction germanTerm "Körperfunktion"
- BodyFunction preferred_name "Bodily function"
- BodySystem rdfs:comment "The Body system describes the system of a human body that is affected by a specific medical procedure. The body system contains static information from the Austrian Procedure catalogue."
- BodySystem rdfs:label "Body system"
- BodySystem germanTerm "Körpersystem"
- BodySystem preferred_name "Body system"
- CardiacConductiveSystem CardiacConductiveSystem germanTerm "Reizleitungssystem Lokalisation"
- CardiacConductiveSystemSite germanTerm "Rhythmus, Reizleitungssystem des Herzens Lokalisation"
- CardiacRhythm CardiacRhythm germanTerm "Herzrhythmus Lokalisation"
- CardiacValvesEndocardiumSite germanTerm "Herzklappen, Endokard Lokalisation"
- CardiacValvesSite germanTerm "Herzklappenlokalisation"
- CardiovascularSystemSite CardiovascularSystemSite germanTerm "Kardiovaskuläres System Lokalisation"
- CardioverterDefibrillator rdfs:label "cardioverter defibrillator"
- CavaFilter rdfs:label "Vena cava filter"
- CavesHeart CavesHeart germanTerm "Caven des Herzens"
- CentralVenousLine rdfs:label "Central venous line"
- CentrifugalPump rdfs:label "centrifugal pump"
- Change Change rdfs:label "Change"
- ChargableUnit rdfs:comment "Unit describes how often a medical procedure can be coded."
- ChargableUnit rdfs:label "Unit"
- ChargableUnit germanTerm "Leistungseinheit"
- ChargableUnit preferred_name "Procedure billing unit"
- ComplementaryMedicineDevice rdfs:comment "Medical devices that are used for complementary medicine."
- ComplementaryMedicineDevice rdfs:label "Complementary medicine device"
- ComplementaryMedicineDevice germanTerm "Komplementärmedizinisches Produkt"
- ComplementaryMedicineDevice preferred_name "Complementary medicine device"
- Complexity rdfs:label "Complexity"
- Complexity germanTerm "Komplexität"
- Complexity preferred_name "Complexity"
- CoronaryArteriesBloodCirculationSite germanTerm "Koronararterien und Herzdurchblutung Lokalisation"
- DA010_MyocardiumScintigraphy definition "ECG-triggered assessment of ejection fraction (Gated Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography - GSPECT)"
- DA020_RadionuclideVentriculography rdfs:label "Radionuclide Ventriculography"
- DA030_InvasiveExaminationHeartFailure rdfs:label "Invasive Examination of cardiac defect"
- DA040_MyocardiumBiopsy rdfs:label "Myocardium Biopsie"
- DA070_ResectionVentricleAneurysm rdfs:label "Resection of an aneurysm of the ventricle"
- DB010_Valvuloplasty rdfs:label "Valvuloplasty"
- DB020_PercutaneousImplantationPulmonaryValve rdfs:label "Percutaneous, interventional implantation of pulmonary valve"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft rdfs:label "Replacement of aortic valve with pulmonary autograft"
- DB060_ReplaceAorticValveAutograft definition "Replacement of aortic valve with autologous pulmonary valve and implantation of graft transplant (homograft) in polmonary position (Ross Procedure)"
- DD050_StentImplantationCoronaryVessels rdfs:label "Implantation of a stent in coronary vessels"
- DD070_RotationAngioplasty rdfs:label "Rotation angioplasty"
- DD080_IntracoronaryThrombusAspiration rdfs:label "Intracoronary aspiration of thrombus"
- DD100_Endarterectomy rdfs:label "Endarterectomy"
- DE040_CatheterisaionCardacCondictionSystem rdfs:label "Catheterisaion of the cardiac conduction system"
- DE050_CatheterInducedAblationCardialConductionSystem rdfs:label "Catheter-induces ablation of the cardiac conductive system"
- DE110_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillator rdfs:label "Implantation of automatic cardiovertiver-defibrillator"
- DE120_ImplantationCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization rdfs:label "Implantation of automatic cardiovertiver-defibrillator with resynchronizing function"
- DE130_ReplacementPacemakerSound rdfs:label "Change of pacemaker sound"
- DE140_ReplacementPacemakerSingle rdfs:label "Replace aggregate of pacemaker; single chamber"
- DE150_ReplacementPacemakerDual rdfs:label "Replacement of pacemaker aggregate; dual chamber"
- DE160_ReplacementResynchronizationSystem rdfs:label "Replacement of aggregate of system for cardial resynchronization"
- DE170_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillator rdfs:label "Replacement of aggregate of cardioverter defibrillator"
- DE180_ReplacementCardioverterDefibrillatorResynchronization rdfs:label "Replacement of aggregate of cardioverter defibrillator with resynchronization function"
- DF040_SystemicThrombolyticTherapyPulmonaryEmbolism rdfs:label "systemic thrombolytic therapy in case of pulmonary embolism"
- DF050_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArtery rdfs:label "Embolectomy of pulmonary artery without life-support machine"
- DF060_EmbolectomyPulmonaryArteryHLM rdfs:label "Embolectomy of pulmonary artery without life-support machine"
- DG010_AngiographyAorta rdfs:label "chatheter angiography of aorta"
- DG020_AngioplastyAorta rdfs:label "percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of aorta"
- DG030_ImplantationStentgraftAortaThoracic rdfs:label "Implantation of a Stentgraft - thorarcic aorta"
- DG040_ImplantationStentgraftAortaAbdominal rdfs:label "Implantation of a Stentgraft - abdominal aorta"
- DG050_ImplantationStentgraftAorticBifurcation rdfs:label "Implantation of a stentgraft - aortic bifurcation"
- DG060_ImplantationIntraAorticBalloonPump rdfs:label "Implantation of an intra-aortic balloon pump"
- DG070_ReconstructionAortaNoValveReplacement rdfs:label "Reconstruction of Aorta without replacement of aortic valve"
- DH020_PhlebographyVenaCava rdfs:label "Phlebography of vena cava"
- DH030_ImplantationCavaFilter rdfs:label "Implantation of a vena cava filter"
- DH040_ImplantationZVK rdfs:label "Implantatin of a central venous line"
- DH050_ReconstructionVenaCava rdfs:label "Reconstruction of vena cava"
- DL030_CirculatorySystemSupportShortterm rdfs:label "Short-term support of circulatory system with centrifugal pump"
- DL040_CirculatorySystemSupportMediumterm rdfs:label "Intermediate-term support of cardiovascular system with membrane pump"
- DL050_CirculatorySystemSupportLongterm rdfs:label "Long-term support of cardiovascular system with total artificial heart device"
- DZ010_StressEchocardiography rdfs:label "Stress echocardiography"
- DZ020_TransesophagealEchocardiography rdfs:label "Transesophageal echocardiography"
- DentalDevice rdfs:comment "Products used for identification, prevention, monitoring, treating, or relief of diseases of the mouth, jaw or facial area, and teeth."
- DentalDevice rdfs:label "Dental device"
- DentalDevice germanTerm "Zahnärztlichea Produkt"
- DentalDevice preferred_name "Dental device"
- Device rdfs:comment "Device models the medical devices used to perform a specific medical procedure."
- Device rdfs:label "Medical Device"
- Device germanTerm "Medizinprodukt"
- Device preferred_name "Medical device"
- DiaphragmPump rdfs:label "Diaphragm pump"
- Discipline rdfs:comment "If a medical procedure is related to a certain medical discipline, it is modeled in Discipline."
- Discipline rdfs:label "Discipline"
- Discipline germanTerm "Fachgebiet"
- Discipline preferred_name "Discipline"
- DrainProcedure rdfs:comment "direct the evacuation of a fluid away from its place of origin in the body, by means of a suitable device (drain, wick, drainage sheet tec) left in place"
- DrainProcedure rdfs:label "Drain procedure"
- DrainProcedure germanTerm "Drainieren"
- DrainProcedure preferred_name "Drain procedure"
- Drainage rdfs:label "Drainage"
- Drainage germanTerm "Drainage"
- Drainage preferred_name "Drainage"
- ElectromedicalMechanicalDevice rdfs:comment "Elektromedical and electromechanical devices are medical products, which need an additional electric source of energy for functioning."
- ElectromedicalMechanicalDevice rdfs:label "Electromedical and mechanical device"
- ElectromedicalMechanicalDevice germanTerm "Elektromedizinisches und -mechanisches Produkt"
- ElectromedicalMechanicalDevice preferred_name "Electromedical and electromechanical device"
- Embolism rdfs:label "embolism"
- EndocardiumSite germanTerm "Endokard Lokalisation"
- Endoscope rdfs:label "Endoscope"
- Exploration Exploration rdfs:label "Exploration"
- HeartLargeVesselsSite HeartLargeVesselsSite germanTerm "Herz und große Gefäße, Herzkreislaufsystem Lokalisation"
- HeartMotorFunctionSite germanTerm "Motorik des Herzens Lokalisation"
- HeartMultipleLocationsSite germanTerm "Herz insgesamt, Herz und große Gefäße, multiple Lokalisation ohne nächere Angaben"
- HospitalInventory rdfs:comment "Hospital inventory subsumes products that are not used vor diagnostics or examinations and have no direct influence on the assessment of the patient's status, the examination results or the further treatment."
- HospitalInventory rdfs:label "Hospital inventory"
- HospitalInventory germanTerm "Krankenhausinventar"
- HospitalInventory preferred_name "Hospital inventory"
- ImagingDevice rdfs:comment "Medical devices for diagnostics or therapy taht make use of X-rays, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, isotopes, or linear accelerators."
- ImagingDevice rdfs:label "Imaging device"
- ImagingDevice germanTerm "Rönten- und bildgebendes Gerät"
- ImagingDevice preferred_name "X-Ray and imaging device"
- InVitroExamination rdfs:comment "In vitro examination procedures"
- InVitroExamination rdfs:label "In vitro examination"
- InVitroExamination germanTerm "In vitro Untersuchung"
- InVitroExamination preferred_name "In vitro examination"
- InVivoSituDiagnostics rdfs:comment "In vivo and in situ diagnostic procedures"
- InVivoSituDiagnostics rdfs:label "In vivo / in situ diagnostics"
- InVivoSituDiagnostics germanTerm "In vivo Diagnostik / in situ Diagnostik"
- InVivoSituDiagnostics preferred_name "In vivo and in situ diagnostics"
- MedicalProcedure rdfs:comment "The core of the ontology is the Medical procedure concept, which is directly related to most of the other concepts. It represents the Medical procedure itself according to the APC."
- MedicalProcedure rdfs:label "Medical procedure"
- MedicalProcedure germanTerm "Medizinische Einzelleistung"
- MedicalProcedure preferred_name "APC Medical Procedure"
- MedicalTreatment rdfs:comment "Treatment based on medication"
- MedicalTreatment rdfs:label "Medical treatment"
- MedicalTreatment germanTerm "Medikamentöse Behandlung"
- MedicalTreatment preferred_name "Medical treatment"
- MitralValve MitralValve germanTerm "Mitralklappe"
- MyocardialInfarction rdfs:label "Myocardial infarction"
- Myocardium Myocardium germanTerm "Myokard"
- MyocardiumVentricleSeptumSite germanTerm "Myokard, Kammern und Septen des Herzens Lokalisation"
- NonActiveProduct rdfs:comment "Non-active implantable products are products that are implanted for 30 days or longer and are no active implantable products."
- NonActiveProduct rdfs:label "Non-active implantable device"
- NonActiveProduct germanTerm "Nicht-aktives implantierbares Produkt"
- NonActiveProduct preferred_name "Non-active implantable device"
- OphthalmicDevice rdfs:comment "Products used for identification, prevention, monitoring, treating, or relief of diseases of the eyesight."
- OphthalmicDevice rdfs:label "Ophthalmic and optic device"
- OphthalmicDevice germanTerm "Ophthalmisches und optisches Produkt"
- OphthalmicDevice preferred_name "Ophthalmic and optic device"
- Pathology rdfs:comment "Pathology models the disease or malfunction that made a specific medical procedure necessary. This class can be used as some sort of connection points, if the ontology needs to be extended with diseases or mapped to a disease or diagnosis coding system or ontology (e.g. the International Classification of Diseases – ICD)."
- Pathology rdfs:label "Pathology"
- Pathology germanTerm "Pathologie"
- Pathology preferred_name "Pathology"
- Pathology synonym "Disease"
- PericardiumSite PericardiumSite germanTerm "Pericard Lokalisation"
- Population rdfs:comment "If specific demographic groups are affected by a medical procedure, it is modeled in the Population."
- Population rdfs:label "Population"
- Population germanTerm "Bevölkerungsgruppe"
- Population preferred_name "Demographic group"
- ProcedureType rdfs:comment "Procedure type models the type of a medical procedure according to the original version of the Austrian Procedure catalogue."
- ProcedureType rdfs:label "Procedure type"
- ProcedureType germanTerm "Leistungsart"
- ProcedureType preferred_name "Procedure type"
- PulmonaryArtery rdfs:label "pulmonary artery"
- PulmonaryValve PulmonaryValve germanTerm "Pulmonalklappe"
- ReusableDevice rdfs:comment "Mecical devices that can be reused after cleaning and sterilization."
- ReusableDevice rdfs:label "Reusable device"
- ReusableDevice germanTerm "Wiederverwendbares Produkt"
- ReusableDevice preferred_name "Resuable device"
- Septum Septum germanTerm "Septen"
- Side rdfs:comment "Side discribes, which side of of the human body was affected by a medical procedure in case a terget site has two different sides (e.g. lunge, kidney)."
- Side rdfs:label "Side"
- Side germanTerm "Seite"
- Side preferred_name "Side"
- SingleUseDevice rdfs:comment "Single use devices are products meant for one-time use only."
- SingleUseDevice rdfs:label "Single use device"
- SingleUseDevice germanTerm "Produkt zum Einmalgebrauch"
- SingleUseDevice preferred_name "Single use device"
- Sound rdfs:label "Sound"
- SpecialOverhead rdfs:comment "Describes procedures where special overheads are needed."
- SpecialOverhead rdfs:label "Special Overhead"
- SpecialOverhead germanTerm "Spezieller Organisationsaufwand"
- SpecialOverhead preferred_name "Special Overhead"
- Stenosis rdfs:label "Stenosis"
- Stenosis preferred_name "Stenosis"
- Stentgraft rdfs:label "Stentgraft"
- SupportCardiovascularSystem rdfs:label "Support of cardiovascular system"
- TechnicalAssistanceDevice rdfs:comment "Products for the compensation, relief, prevention, or neutralization of a physical impairment, the loss of a bodily function or a handicap."
- TechnicalAssistanceDevice rdfs:label "Technical assistance device for handicapped"
- TechnicalAssistanceDevice germanTerm "Technische Hilfe für beeinträchtigte Menschen"
- TechnicalAssistanceDevice preferred_name "Technical assistance device for handicapped people."
- Technique rdfs:comment "Technique class models the exact approach of a medical procedure. They are often named after their inventor."
- Technique rdfs:label "Technique"
- Technique germanTerm "Technik"
- Technique preferred_name "Technique"
- Therapy Therapy rdfs:comment "Describes a medical procedure as a therapy procedure"
- Therapy Therapy rdfs:label "Therapy"
- Therapy Therapy germanTerm "Therapie"
- Therapy Therapy preferred_name "Therapy"
- Thrombus rdfs:label "Thrombus"
- Total rdfs:label "total"
- Total preferred_name "total"
- TricuspidValve TricuspidValve germanTerm "Trikuspidalklappe"
- UnitCode rdfs:label "Codes for chargable units"
- Ventricle germanTerm "Herzkammer"
- XRay rdfs:label "X-ray"
- catheterisation rdfs:label "catheterisation"
- lysis rdfs:label "-lysis"
- plastie rdfs:label "-plastie (Suffix)"
- ventricle rdfs:label "Ventricle"